
Is gold the most precious?

Palladium is the most expensive of the four major precious metals: gold, silver and platinum are the others. It is rarer than platinum and is used in large quantities for catalytic converters. New York Office +1 (92) 316-2746450 Lexington, New York, NY 10017. One of the most valued precious metals is rhodium. In fact, the prices of rhodium are much higher than those of gold.

Because of its rarity, rhodium is only available in a fraction of the amount of gold. The large price disparity between gold and rhodium is due to the fact that gold mines are much more numerous than rhodium mines. Rhodium is a precious metal that is extracted mainly in Russia, South Africa and Canada due to its great resistance to corrosion and heat. Its reflective surfaces are used in search lights, mirrors and jewelry finishes, and give a wonderful shine to everything it touches.

Before you can start the process of extracting and producing gold, you have to find gold. Many of the great historical gold fevers began with the story of someone stumbling upon gold on a riverbed or in a backyard while walking there; however, finding gold on a corporate level, as you can imagine, is a little more sophisticated. The search for gold begins with geologists studying rock formations and types of rock in a given area by taking samples of the earth, which are called diamond drill cores. They are so called because, as you can guess, a diamond-tipped drill is used to cut through the rock and obtain the samples.

Gold is normally found mixed with many other elements, metals and minerals in a rock called a mineral and, based on their analysis of samples through tests and other processes, geologists can determine where the mineral is located and its composition. Open pit gold mining is used when the mineral is close to the Earth's surface. As you can imagine, an open pit mine is basically a huge hole in the ground that has roads along the walls of the well so that huge trucks can enter and remove the ore. The extraction process involves the use of explosives and heavy machinery to remove ore from huge mines.

This process entails large costs, according to Mineweb, about 25% of the total cost of mining is spent on diesel fuel. Mineweb also estimates that for every ton of ore extracted from a mine, it could contain one-tenth of an ounce of gold. If we analyze some numbers, we can estimate the amount of gold in US dollars that a mineral loot can produce. In the latest FocusEconomics Consensus Forecast Commodities report, the spot price of gold as of April 15 was 1,230 USD per troy ounce (a troy ounce is slightly different from an ounce and is a common unit of measurement for precious metals, however, it only weighs a little more than a standard ounce).

That means that for every ton of ore excavated in the mine, the yield would be 123 USD of gold, which is not an entire lot. However, the trucks used to remove gold from the well can hold up to 300 tons, meaning that good transport could produce gold worth $36,900. However, in reality the chances of this happening are slim and, many times, the amount of gold in a loaded truck can end up producing little or no gold. An underground mine is sometimes determined to make the most sense, usually when gold deposits are located much further away from the Earth's surface.

Underground mining, also known as underground hard rock mining, uses long, winding tunnels and wells that are dug into the ground and other tunnels branch out in different directions. Although you can imagine an underground mine with workers working like slaves with picks, axes and shovels, those days are largely in the past, at least in commercial mining anyway. Nowadays, the extraction process basically consists of drilling holes to extract explosives, set off the explosives and then remove the debris from the explosion. It's quite safe to say that ever since the human race became aware of the concept of possession, gold has been sought and therefore determining its purity has been extremely important.

A metallurgical test is an analysis of the composition of the mineral and can be used to determine the purity of gold. The fire test was first used by the Babylonians more than 3000 years ago and remains one of the most accurate methods for doing so. Basically, the process involves taking a sample of molten impure gold from a larger portion of gold or ore. The sample is then accurately weighed and the quantity is recorded.

The sample, together with a specified amount of pure silver, is then wrapped in a sheet of test lead and placed in a cup-shaped oven, which is a special type of disposable crucible. Finally, all the non-precious metals are absorbed by the cup and the precious metal takes on the shape of a button inside the cup. Once the cup is removed from the oven, hit it with a hammer and the button opens. It is then brushed to remove any residue remaining in the cup.

Then, the button is flattened with a hammer and rolled thinly and heated again in a porcelain crucible containing a nitric acid solution, which removes silver. What's left is gold, which is then rinsed in distilled water to remove any residual acid and allowed to dry. The result is a sample of 99.999% pure gold. The original weight of the impure sample taken at the beginning is then divided by the weight of the new pure gold sample, which indicates how pure the original sample was.

. The Hallmarking Agreement is an international treaty between countries that seeks to standardize the marking of precious metals such as gold and facilitate their cross-border trade. They have a zero-tolerance policy with regard to purity: if gold has a density of 749 parts per 1000, it cannot be marked with a quality mark of 750. In addition to the obvious use of gold in jewelry, you may wonder if it has any practical applications.

Do you have an industrial or technological application similar to that of other metals? The answer is yes. Gold is used in a multitude of capacities. It is arguably the most useful metal because of its many unique properties. It is extremely malleable, allowing it to be struck, hammered, cast and molded into extremely detailed shapes.

It's so malleable that you can draw an ounce on 80 km of wire. All of these factors and more make it very useful beyond the manufacture of jewelry and many of its uses may surprise you. Solid-state electronic devices, which are basically those with internal functioning that are based on semiconductors, use gold because it does not tarnish and conducts electricity well. These devices include cell phones, calculators, GPS systems and other smaller electronic devices.

As with small electronic devices, computers use gold because of its electrical conductivity. Gold is used in edge connectors to mount microprocessors and memory chips on the motherboard. The challenge of using gold in these types of devices is the possibility of gold loss. Gold is a very scarce and, moreover, expensive material.

According to the World Gold Council, each mobile phone contains about 50 milligrams of gold, which is equivalent to about 50 cents on a dollar in gold. With more than 1 billion mobile phones produced per year, this translates into a large amount of gold and, consequently, a waste of money. You could theorize that electronic recycling programs have much more to do with recovering gold than with respect for the environment, but we'll let them reflect on that. If you ever needed to have dental work done that required some type of metal, what type of metal do you think would work best? Probably the kind that doesn't rust, right? How do you think iron would work as a filler? It would rust before you know it and you'd have an iron flavor in your mouth for the rest of your days.

Gold is one of the metals most used in dentistry because it does not rust. Pure gold is a bit soft, not to mention expensive, which is why gold alloys are usually used for things like crowns, fillings, bridges and covers. Besides the fact that it doesn't rust, gold also looks good. Joe Pesci from Home Alone immediately comes to mind.

Gold is also used in a variety of ways in medicine and health care. In 1927, a French study was published documenting the use of gold in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Sometimes radioactive gold isotopes are implanted in parts of the body to help treat certain types of cancer. It is used to treat people with a condition called lagophthalmos, in which a person cannot close their eyes properly.

Patients can be injected with gold salts to reduce swelling and bone damage, as well as to relieve joint pain and stiffness. When building a spacecraft, NASA needs to use materials that are extremely reliable. If they didn't use reliable materials and something went wrong in outer space, who would be there to fix it? This is where gold comes in. Like electronics, gold is used in spacecraft circuits because of its reliability as a good conductor of electricity.

Gold-coated polyester film is used throughout spacecraft because it helps stabilize the ship's temperature in space. Gold is also used, believe it or not, as a lubricant between the mechanical parts of ships. Lubricants that can be used in terrestrial machinery are ineffective in space, since radiation outside the Earth's atmosphere would evaporate them. However, gold, under intense radiation pressure, can serve as a lubricant between moving parts.

Gold is also used for the manufacture of glass as a pigment for dyeing glass, but it is also used as an insulator. As the world becomes greener to make the world more sustainable for future generations, modern buildings are built with gold coatings on glass to help insulate them. In summer, the gold in the glass keeps heat away by reflecting the sun's radiation outwards, and in winter it reflects internal heat inward, keeping the building nice and warm without consuming much energy in the internal heating systems. The use of gold for things other than jewelry has increased considerably since the U.S.

UU. It abandoned the gold standard in the 1970s. The malleability, reliability, the fact that it does not tarnish and that it is a good conductor of electricity make it ideal for many different uses. Normally, gold is only used when there really is no other substitute, and because gold is so useful, it is rarely abandoned once it is discovered to be useful for something.

However, due to its cost and scarcity, as technologies improve and substitutes are found, the industrial and technological use of gold may decrease. However, the importance of gold for the modern global economy is likely to continue not only as a commodity, but as a monetary asset. Gold has many similarities to other commodities, but it also behaves in a similar way to a currency and can be considered a monetary asset. Even today, after the abandonment of the gold standard, if you went anywhere in the world, you could probably exchange gold for goods and services.

You probably couldn't do that with most other products. However, like most other commodities, it comes from land and has an inverse relationship with the U.S. While gold shares some characteristics with other commodities, it certainly stands out from the rest for several reasons. According to the World Gold Council, gold is truly a commodity like no other and states that “gold is less exposed to fluctuations in economic cycles, generally has lower volatility and tends to be significantly more robust in times of financial pressure.

Gold is not exposed to the same risks stemming from fundamental factors, especially supply. Think about agricultural and energy commodities: these products are usually one and that's it. Metals, in general, can be reused, which means that there is another enormous supply route that other commodities don't have. The fact that gold production is geographically diversified, meaning that it can basically be mined anywhere in the world, also makes it unique.

The geographical diversification of gold is actually a huge factor in differentiating it from other commodities. If we look at other commodities that are commonly traded, according to the World Gold Council, 47% of world oil production comes from the Middle East and Eurasia, platinum is extracted mainly in South Africa (80%) and Russia (11%), while corn, an important agricultural product, is mainly produced in the US. Silver, a metal that is possibly the closest to gold in terms of its status as a raw material and monetary asset, is produced mainly in Latin America. Because of this supply characteristic of gold, the price of gold is mainly and almost exclusively influenced by demand.

Perhaps comparing gold to other metals would be a fairer comparison. Transporting metals is fairly easy, as there is little need for specialized infrastructure, such as those needed for many energy products. Metals, especially gold, have a much longer lifespan than other commodities, as mentioned above, because they can be reused. However, in general, this is where the similarities between gold and other metals stop.

Gold is almost indestructible, which means that the recycling of previously used gold makes it much less susceptible to crises and production shortages, and the annual stock flow ratio is much higher for gold than for other metals, not to mention other commodities. Although, as mentioned above, gold is used in the technological sector for electronic devices and computers, there is less demand in these sectors than in other metals, meaning that other metals are highly exposed to the economic cycle compared to gold. The fact that gold is a “noble” metal, meaning that it does not tarnish, rust or corrode, makes it unique among many other metals and, at the same time, it is extremely malleable and easy to work with. Its role as a monetary asset also sets it apart from most other commodities.

Although the gold standard has long been abandoned, the long history of gold as a value standard in monetary systems and its history of obsession for more than 5000 years have left a lasting legacy and relevance in today's international monetary system. Central banks still hold significant international gold reserves to preserve national wealth and to protect against economic instability. To demonstrate how gold can preserve wealth, we can use a great example from Investopedia. Think of it this way, 40 years ago you probably could have bought a nice suit for 35 USD or an ounce of gold for the same amount of money.

Until today, $35 wouldn't buy you a suit, but if you had that ounce of gold that you bought 40 years earlier and sold it, you could probably go buy yourself a pretty nice suit. In addition to using gold as a short-term safe haven, it can also be invested in the long term. The purchasing power of the currency decreases over time due to inflation and other factors, while the value of gold is inversely related, increasing continuously over the long term, preserving its purchasing power. This makes gold a hedge against rising inflation.

As inflation increases, so does the value of gold usually do so. Gold preserves wealth because it also benefits from the fall of the U.S. dollar. It can be safely said that gold is not just a commodity nor just a monetary asset, since it shares many characteristics of different asset classes.

Its unique characteristics in terms of aesthetics, chemical properties and its history as a currency, the depth and liquidity of the gold market, its geographical diversification, as well as its propensity to preserve wealth, make it a hybrid of the best of both worlds. If you read all of part 2 of this series on gold, you will now have a better idea of how gold is extracted and produced, how its properties make it such a useful metal, as well as its industrial and technological uses. You'll also have a better idea of what differentiates gold from all other commodities, as well as of the unique role of gold as a commodity and monetary asset. All of the above, although a little disconnected, serves to explain in more detail how gold is actually the most precious metal.

If you missed the first part of this series, about the history of gold and the gold standard, don't forget to check it out. If you want to learn more about gold, stay tuned for the third part of our series. To determine whether or not they had found a real piece of gold, the prospectors used a piece of real gold and dropped it into the water along with another possible piece of gold and compared how long it took both of them to sink. The use of cyanide for this process was first developed in the late 19th century in Scotland and, since the 1970s, it has been the main method of gold mining used in commercial gold production.

The density of gold has been very important for mining in the past, especially during the California Gold Rush, as it could easily be seen at the bottom of a pan. The density of gold basically allowed the elimination of sophisticated equipment to determine its purity, another distinguishing feature of gold. With the karat system, 24-carat gold denotes pure gold, while with thousandth fineness, as the name suggests, purity is expressed in parts per 1000. But in jewelry, white gold is an alloy of gold and white metal, such as nickel, silver or palladium.
